Descargar Ebook Cambridge IGCSE™ French Student's Book (Collins Cambridge IGCSE™) (Collins Cambridge IGCSE (TM)) de Robert Pike PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
Descargar PDF Cambridge IGCSE™ French Student's Book (Collins Cambridge IGCSE™) (Collins Cambridge IGCSE (TM)) de Robert Pike PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis, Descargar libros completos Cambridge IGCSE™ French Student's Book (Collins Cambridge IGCSE™) (Collins Cambridge IGCSE (TM))

Cambridge IGCSE™ French Student's Book (Collins Cambridge IGCSE™) (Collins Cambridge IGCSE (TM)) de Robert Pike
Autor: Robert PikeCategoria: Libros,Juvenil,Educación y consulta
Tapa blanda: 240 páginas
Editor: Collins (21 de marzo de 2019)
Colección: Collins Cambridge IGCSE (TM)
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 8300348
ISBN-13: 978-0008300340
Descripción - Collins IGCSE® French provides comprehensive coverage of the Cambridge IGCSE French (0520) syllabus. With a clear structure and engaging content, the Student’s Book has been carefully planned around topic-based units so that language and skills are taught in context.The course takes a skills-based communicative approach with equal coverage given to all four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Content is relevant to the age group and so provides engaging and motivating learning opportunities in real-world contexts. All topics, grammar and vocabulary are mapped to the syllabus, with clear learning objectives highlighted for each section of each unit. Units follow a carefully-planned, consistent structure allowing for reinforcement and progression at every stage.The course caters for all levels of ability, including the needs of students with less experience of French or those who need more support. It also provides extension activities for those students who require an extra challenge, and aims to encourage all students to develop their higher-order thinking skills.The layout of the book is clear and accessible, with boxed features highlighting key points of grammar, vocabulary or suggestions for taking things further. The opportunity to review is key and there are various Check-up and Review sections which encourage students to reflect on their progress. Each unit also contains a useful vocabulary section for ease of reference.To encourage students to broaden their perspectives, there are ‘Français en action’ sections in every unit which offer stimulating, thought-provoking and enjoyable insights into the culture and society of Francophone countries.Opportunity for practice, consolidation and revision is provided throughout the course, with exam-style questions included to help students develop their skills for success.Audio files are available as a free download from the Collins website for listening comprehension exercises and pronunciation practice.The course can also be used by teachers and students of Cambridge O Level French (3015) and IGCSE (9-1) French (7156).Collins is working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title to support the full syllabus for examination from 2021.
Descargar PDF Cambridge IGCSE™ French Student's Book (Collins Cambridge IGCSE™) (Collins Cambridge IGCSE (TM)) de Robert Pike PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
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Cambridge IGCSE™ French Student's Book (Collins Cambridge IGCSE™) (Collins Cambridge IGCSE (TM)) Descargar libro
Cambridge IGCSE™ French Student's Book (Collins Cambridge IGCSE™) (Collins Cambridge IGCSE (TM)) Descarga gratuita
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